Fruit Washer Mill With Dosing Unit | ProFruit Machinery

In our assortment you will find all the machinery needed for full fruit, berry & vegetable lines. From washers and grinders to pasteurizers and fillers – all juice pressing equipment carefully produced and developed by ProFruit Machinery™.

Fruit and Vegetable Washer Elevator Mill DOSIMILL

Fruit and vegetable washer elevator mill with dosing unit is used for washing and milling various products and dosing the grinded mash into hydraulic press or destoning machine.
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    The dosing unit of the washer elevator mill helps to dose the right amount of mash into hydraulic press or destoning machine. This option is mainly
    used when you need to crush a certain amount of fruit mass before
    pressing the juice.

    Firstly, the grinded mash gathers in the dosing unit. There is a sensor inside the unit which detects when the unit is full and stops the machine. Then the operator can easily open the dosing valve and pour out the grinded mash. After the mash is poured out, the dosing valve should be closed. After that, machine starts the washing and milling process automatically.

    Capacity – 1000 kg/h.

    • The crushing head of the machine is round, so all the crushed mash goes directly out for further processing. This feature significantly helps when washing the head as there are no corners.
      Our round shape technology is superior to other producers’, because a lot of fruit mash gets stuck in the corners of square-shaped heads for hours and can cause juice fermentation!
    • The dosing unit has a sensor inside which detects when the unit is full and stops the machine.
    • Machine has additional table in front of the basin for putting fruits or boxes on it.
    • V form washing basin helps fruits and vegetables move directly to the conveyor, therefore less fruit stay in the basin.
    • Integrated water-spraying system provides additional washing when lifting the fruits up the conveyor.
    • Belt conveyor has a water drainage and speed regulation system.
    • Optional replaceable cutting graters/sieves are available for different fruits and berries.
    • The mill does not damage the fruit seed.
    • Powerful 2.2 kW crushing engine can crush various fruits, berries and vegetables – from soft raspberries to hard apples, beets, etc.
    • Machine is entirely made of stainless steel and easy to clean after using.

    Interested in the same machinery only without dosing unit? Check out our MAXIMILL 3000.